Sunday, April 19, 2009

You Didn't Just Say That!

The first night that we went to the VIP was a tuesday. There was this really cool hot chick behind the bar named Katie. She was about 25 years old. Being a tuesday it was pretty slow, but that didn't stop me and Bill from having our usual blast of a time. Katie talked to us most of the night. Then I found out that she had a Irish and German heritage. Two of my three favourites! I told her I was in love! We eventually left there to go to Rosie's. As we were walking out I jokingly said to Bill, "She's my future wife, she just doesn't know it yet!" That's why we nicknamed her GFW. Which stands for Glen's Future Wife (my name is Glen). A few weeks later, after I got to know her volatile personality a little better I re-nicknamed her GFX, for Glen's Future Ex-Wife.

We dropped into the VIP again on Thursday. Behind the bar was this other super hot cool chick. She couldn't have been any more than 22 years old. Her name was Emily, but we nicknamed her "MyGirl" because she was just SOOOOO sweet and cute! Sitting at the bar was this other hot cool chick who also was a bartender there. She was 22 as well. We sat with her and chatted her up all night. Her name was Lindsay, but we nicknamed her "Smiley" because she made a point to never smile. This of course is a challenge for me, because I LOVE to make people smile, and always can. So I preceded to make her smile and laugh all night. So far, we were LOVING this bar!

We went back the next night and ANOTHER cool hot chick was behind the bar. She was in her 30's and we'd eventually nickname her "Wild Child" due to an incident that happened a couple weeks later. That was when we started hanging out at the 'other' karaoke bars and she was a patron at one of them. Totally sh!t-faced drunk, wearing HOT tight biker leather, and hanging all over her biker boyfriend (whom we later got to know). She recognized us from across the bar and ran over and jumped in our laps. Then nearly fell over because she was so drunk. Her man eventually had to come and get her before she passed out.

But back to Friday night at the VIP. This night, both Smiley and GFW were sitting at a table as patrons. Which was awesome! I did have a thing for GFW! After a little while I went over and chatted with them for a bit. At one point I asked GFW, "So, what's the chances of getting to know you better?" She replied rather tactfully, "If you keep hanging out at this bar, then you'll get to know me better." I said, "Fair enough." I chatted a while longer and eventually went back to my seat at the bar. Me and Bill were sitting at the corner of the bar near the jukebox. Towards the end of the night, GFW was feeding the jukebox right next to us. So I got up and started chatting with her again. After a moment I asked, "So seriously, what is the chance of getting to know you better?" She says, "Seriously?" I say, "Yes". She then points to the guy standing five feet away whos intensely GLARING at me, and says, "That's my man right there." I look at him. He's just this short little dark haired guy in his mid 30's. He really doesn't look like much. I look at him. (He's glaring.) Then look back at her, and say, "Oh,....So when are you breaking up with him?"

Bill is sitting next to where I'm standing and says, "Oh, you didn't just say that!" And then just breaks down laughing. I couldn't hold a straight face either, and I start laughing also. In fact, me and Bill were always laughing and having fun over something. Katie responds back to me, "When hell freezes over!" But even she was smiling and almost laughing with us.

This guy's name was Mark. What I DIDN'T know, is that he was the bar's owner! Oops. How was I to know?

The other thing is that he and Katie (GFW) were having problems, and she was soon to dump him.

From that day on, Mark (whom we soon nicknamed "YoBoy" and "Junior" for incidents that occur at a later date) serously disliked me! But we didn't really care. We found it rather amusing. It's not like he was going to bar us or anything. We drank a lot every time we were there and were fun patrons that everyone liked. Mark is a small business owner and wants to make his profits. Mark was always 'civil' to me, but never hid his disdain for me and spoke to me as little as possible. Meanwhile, he did like our patronage so ALWAYS treated Bill extremeley well, talking to him like they are old best buddies.

Me and Bill started hanging out there almost nightly. We were always laughing and having fun so all the fun people liked to hang with us and share in the fun. GFW was the bar manager, so was always there, and usually not behind the bar. Usually she was talking to and shooting pool with the patrons. Mark FOREBADE her from talking with us, but whenever he wasn't around she was always hanging out with us. Every time Mark would leave and then come back, she would be over with us (and all the other fun patrons with us). This made Mark dislike me even more.

Oh well.

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