Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spontaneous Writing

Oh yes, I just realized that I forgot to include the first poem that I wrote the other night (while getting drunk). Here's it is:

"What a Fool"

I have loved and I have wondered about love. What is it that makes love real? A fool in love is still a fool. But he does know love. With that knowledge can he truly be a fool? Ah, love. I do so miss that. I do so envy that fool.

While I have it here, I may as well include the spontaneous writing that I was doing before I started writing the poetry. Like I say, I was at a friend's house just talking and chilling and she wanted to do some writing. So I decided to write too. We also started drinking beers when we started writing, so eventually were on our way to being drunk by the time we finished the writing. Then we got hammered while watching some movies. It was one more of those nights. But, here's what I wrote:

"Life is a never ending process. At times I just like to stare out the window and watch life move on by... I like watching the wind in the trees and I envision the sound that it makes. There's something about the wind and the trees that have a serine effect on me. It reminds me of distance and time and space and somehow it allows me to feel connected to my past present and future. I can feel a part of it.

Have you ever stood outside in the middle of a raging thunderstorm? The serine beauty of it is awe inspiring. I love wathcing that hammering rain smash the pavement like machine gun bursts. Then the lightning that forks down with a brilliant crack and a flash of energy that lights up the sky and makes all known. Following that you wait for the slow rolling thunder that explodes in a burst and then flows with that rolling rumble that tells you this is in the distance. Now in your past. I am a small piece of energy in this glorious display of natures fury and beauty.

God is here on Earth and I am a humbled mortal man. But at that moment I am alive.

Once again the wind. Howling it's rage through the trees and telling us that it is in charge. I love to feel it wash through me and connect me with the universe. I close my eyes and become part of it. I am a child of the universe and we are all connected through the wind and the beauty of the elements. I am here. I belong. And I am one...

Have you stood in nature at night? Out in the wilderness, under the moon and stars. Once again it is the wind through the trees that whispers it's secrets to you. Whoosh, whoosh, swish, and a ripple over the water. Close your eyes and drink it all in. The crickets chirp their lovely steady song. Over and over relentlessly. It is an orchastra that joins the steady rippling of the tides and the swaying of the trees. I stand there perfectly still and am part of it. It is the song and music of nature. My soul reaches out and joins this dance. We are all alive. We are one...

Where do feelings come from? Do you ever notice that they always seem to start at the heart and then branch out to the rest of your body?Why is that?

Love is a flow that seems to connect. It flows out yet fills your heart at the same time. How does it do that?..."

That's where I finished the writing and then decided to write poetry. Starting with the one at the start of this post titled "What a Fool".

1 comment:

  1. Very informative post. Creative writer can simply pull out there pen and paper and start scribbling. Any place is the best suited for creative writers.Spontaneous writing means you don’t miss out on any details.Pick up a place where you are comfortable and start writing. Even ready to write aricle at 2’O clock in night. “Actions speaks louder than words”, the reverse is true especially when you are not eye-to-eye with a person. For more details refer Spontaneous writing
