Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Superman is born

It was the weekend after I had met Melanie but before we started dating. I picked Bill up Friday after work. We did our usual bar hopping and of course drinking. After hours we went back to my house and continued drinking into the next day. I imagine we crashed at some point, but who knows, there was a lot of 'all-nighters' back then.

The next day, Bill wanted to go to the South side of town to visit a friend. We grabbed a six pack of beer 'for the road' and we went to his friends place. Once again, I let Bill drive as we were drinking. I pretty much always let Bill drive once we started drinking. We got to his friend's place and there was a bunch of them there partying. We joined in.

At some point some cute chick said they were all going to buy some crack and asked if we wanted to join in. Me and Bill threw in $20 each and she went on her way for a pick up. We continued to drink with her man and the others at the party.

She eventually returned with the goods and we loaded up and did some hits. Me and Bill had done crack together twice before, but this was my first time using an actual crack pipe (which is essentially a straight glass pipe with some chore boy in it). They showed me the proper way to load it, and how to rotate the pipe as you lit the hit and the proper ways to puff on it to get the best out of your hit. Once again, it really is a remarkably wonderful feeling of a high. Also once again, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone as most people completely f#ck up their lives once they start getting into it.

Let's talk about crack for a brief moment. The high is like no other. At least as far as I know. I've only done a few different types of narcotics. But a crack high hits you instantaneously. While you are exhaling you get an instant release in the back of your head, at your spinal column. It instantly takes all stress and tension out of you. You are also hit with a wave of euphoria and everything seems to slow down and relax. Your brain seems to move slower and if you talk you sound like you are half asleep. It drops every care or concern you have and you just feel this slow euphoric relaxed warmth. You feel good. You just feel like sitting back and 'chillin'. Endorphins are also released in the back of your head and it honestly feels very similar to the the euphoric feeling you get when you orgasm. The euphoric feeling lasts maybe five or ten minutes then dissipates. The slowness and relaxation lasts maybe an hour or two. This is what it feels like when you do small hits. Doing larger hits has a much more extreme effect as well as some less than pleasant side effects. Coming down is a different experience and also varies depending on the size of your hits and how much you smoked. I'll talk about it in more detail some other time.

Anyway, we sat around the table passing the pipe around and using up all our hits. $20 each doesn't go very far so we were all used up within an hour or two. Like I said, we were only doing small hits so there was no 'noiding' or 'weirdness' to it. Just the pleasant affects. We continued drinking and partying for another couple of hours.

As me and Bill were preparing to leave, 'little Chickadee' wanted us to give her a ride so she could pick up more crack. It was in the direction we were heading anyway. So we drove her to her supplier's place which was in this building in an industrial section of town. She asked if we wanted any more and we decided to pitch in another $20 each to use later. But then she never came back.

We went back to her man's house, rather pissed off from her stealing our money and Bill threatened to beat or kill her and him if we didn't get our money back. Everyone knows that Bill can get a little crazy at times and everyone believed that he would follow through on his threat. So he apologized for her and gave Bill $40. We thanked him (sort of) and were on our way.

I don't think we did sleep the night before because I was feeling pretty wiped out. As usual, I let Bill drive. We got on the Interstate to head back to my side of town and I dozed off in the passenger seat. I awoke abruptly to my car doing spins at 70 mph on the Interstate highway. Somehow Bill had lost control of the car and we were now in a tail spin. We spun around about three rotations and then the front bumper hit the guard rail and somehow that caused the car to stop spinning and to straighten itself out going the correct way on the Intersate. So here we are travelling at highway speed normally on the interstate as if we were never spinning in the first place. There wasn't even a single scratch on the car or any indication that we almost got into a serious accident in my black dodge neon.

It all happened so fast we didn't even have time to get scared, mad, or concerned. It was kind of like we were watching the whole thing on a movie screen. All I could say to Bill was, "What the F#ck was that?" Bill replied with a chuckle and said, "Relax G, I got us out of it didn't I?" All I could respond with was, "Ya, I suppose so." Then I smiled and laughed. All's well that ends well I suppose.

From then on, we called that car "Superman".

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