Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fresh Blood

When I first started hanging out at the VIP (and the other bars on that neighborhood) I still was stuck in the mindset of someone that came from 'my environment'. That would be the corporate professional environment where everyone around you had university or college degrees, and worked very specific and very professional jobs. Jobs that for the most part didn't only require a degree, but very specific degrees or specific training. The girls I dated in university were the same as me. Dedicated students who for the most part studied six to seven nights a week and got mostly A's (usually in one of the science disciplines). I was also athletic in university, lifting wieghts and playing in a men's rugby league.

Upon graduating university I chose from a number of job offers for above average pay. I met Alison, (whom years later I married) the summer after I graduated. She didn't have a degree at all, but was just as intelligent as any of the women I'd dated before (and a little more 'aware' due to more varied life's experiences). When I eventually put her through college, she did get mostly A grades. I also continued staying in shape by playing sports and lifting weights regularly throughout my 20's.

I was living this lifestyle, continuing to build on my successes right up until a couple of weeks earlier. Now I was hanging out in the 'bar scene'. I've changed my perspectives somewhat since due to living more varied life's experiences, but what people don't realize is that at the time I still had a pretty inflated ego. The same as anyone else from 'my environment'. I'll admit it, it is somewhat short-sighted and even perhaps 'snobbish'. People not from that environment have a totally different perspective of what's 'impressive'. Just different views.

I had already had my meaningless fun 'rebound sex' while I was partying with all the hood girls. That was out of the way. Now I was being much more 'particular' when it came to women. To a point anyway. As far as hanging out with and talking to people, I would talk to and enjoy the company of anyone. As far as noncommital s_x went, I would have that with anyone attractive and in half decent shape. But as far anything else, like dating or 'relationships' I still had very high standards. I always had. Besides, I really wasn't looking for anything real yet anyway. My nine year relationship had just ended and I now needed time and space to figure out who I now was as an 'individual' and which path my new life would lead me on. At first, I wasn't really looking to hook up with anybody.

So for the first month or two I was just hanging out. Drinking and partying with Bill and then the karaoke crowd. Socializing and talking with whomever, and basically treating everyone as 'bar friends'. More specifically, I wasn't hitting on anyone (except maybe GFX -- but I always knew that to be a 'work in progress' anyway). This isn't usual for a typical 'barfly'. Which at first made all the barfly women think I was shy.

I was new to everyone on these bar scenes. Fresh blood. So then came the 'first wave'. I kind of refer to it as the 'bottom feeders'. All the barfly women that are generally not very intelligent, and not exactly in 'great shape' that are looking for 'a man'. At first I got hit on left and right by all sorts of women that I had no interest in. Being the type of person that speaks my heart and mind well, and being one not nearly as shy as they mistook me for, I had no problem turning them down. Politely, but firmly and decisively. Some of them were more persistent and I eventually had to be more firm and at times insulting before they 'got it', but eventually they got the hint and let it go. (Except one girl named Connie that developed a huge crush on me that lasted over a year before she quit persisting. I had to get very insulting with her eventually.)

After that, once I got more familiar with 'the environment' and started hanging out with all the more 'popular' people at the bar, things seemed to start changing. Now I was starting to catch the attention of more of the 'higher class' women on the bar scene. I also was much more familiar with this bar scene now and was getting much more flirtatious and outgoing as well. Eventually I'll talk about some of the more memorable people in more detail.

For now, I just wanted to mention this because I found this 'natural order' of things interesting.

I also learned from observing my friends and roommates over the next couple of years that most men on the bar scene are pigs and have no standards what so ever when it comes to f#cking chicks from the bar. These guys were some of the more outgoing and desireable people on the bar scene, but at the end of the night would go home with literally anyone that came on to them. They would also lie, and deceive and say anything if it meant getting laid. Even if they already had girlfriends. This is something that I never could get a grip on or understand.

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