Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sean's Current Situation

Sean and me had similarities in what our current lives were, and we both wanted to escape the same way, by having tremendous fun with a lot of fun and crazy people. This made us good companions during that current journey of our lives.

Sean was a good guy to hang out with. We had interesting, intelligent, and fun converstaions. We could go to the bar and have a lot of fun having drinks, shooting pool, and flirting with the ladies. We fit in equally well whenever people (especially the girls) invited us to join them in whatever escapades that they had in mind. He was a good buddy. But we did have a lot of differences though. For one, Sean was pretty much a player. He would do anything, and/ or say anything if it meant getting laid. I mean by ANYBODY too. He had no standards. He dated and went out with some of the cutest and most attractive ladies on these bar scenes (mostly by charm, not by looks in my opinion), but he would also go home with and f#ck the fattest, ugliest chicks too if they came onto him at the end of the night. It's not that he was drunk either. We usually only drank about one pitcher of beer each when we were hanging out. He just had no standards. It was also a lot to do with his ego, and his insecurities for that matter. In some way, f#cking as many chicks as he possibly could made him think that 'he could get anyone he wanted' and therefore didn't need any one of them. Or something like that. At any rate, for all the cool and hot looking chicks that he would date and/ or f#ck, I couldn't believe how many ugly and/ or sloppy or 'stupid' chicks he would also f#ck. Even when he had good looking girlfriends, he would still cheat on them with most 'unimpressive' chicks at times. Somehow it 'proved' something to him.

Anyway, as decent as he was to have as a 'buddy', he was equally a complete asshole when it came to women that he was dating or especially used to date. It's like he had something to prove to every girl he was dating or ever did date. Something to prove to his own insecurities I think. But when it came to women, he was a complete jerk and an asshole.

this 'personality' with women is what led him to his current life's crisis. Sean used to be married and had two (or three) children. I cannot say what kind of a husband or a father he was back then, that was before I knew him. His wife was bipolar, which I know can be quite the 'challenge' to say the least. He did tell me stories about a lot of the 'psycho' things that she had done, and I believe them. Though I also believe that he was never as 'innocent' as he liked to let on during this time as well. Lord only knows what he did to prompt her 'psychotic episodes'. None of my business.

Anyway, while married, Sean was a young successful engineer. He was also a part-time law student. His life looked full of promise. Things were NOT good at all at home. This (amougst Lord knows what else) eventually led him to having an affair with a very attractive law student in his class. Eventually things got so insane at home that he left his wife and children for this hot law student that he was having an affair with.

This caused his wife the get really 'psycho'. She called the police on Sean and accussed him of all sorts of things including abandoning his kids (who were toddlers) while he was the only one looking after them, beating his wife, and all sorts of other things. These all turned out to be false accusations. It also helped that she left messages on his answering machine (which he kept) that she was going to accuse him of all these things if he didn't come back to her prior to her filing all these charges. She also did things like totally destroy their house, like kitchen cabinets, and walls, and things like that. It also caused her to call his work a number of times and causing troubles with his boss to try to get him fired. Things like that.

These charges all went to court but were all dropped due to the overwhelming evidence against her that she was just making it all up. She also accused him of 'stalking' her. Which according to Sean, she was the one stalking him. I only know his side of the story (and I do know that Sean is a liar), but I tend to believe him on this one. Anyway, due to her current 'mental' state and all the other sh!t that she charged Sean with, these charges weren't dropped (as the other ones were), but they were 'stayed'. Which means that they go 'dormant' and are ignored unless something happens to brings these charges back up again. Pretty much the court's discretion.

Well, this new 'love' of Sean's life though very attractive and a law student turns out to be quite the 'psycho' herself. I don't know what she had, but to listen to the stories that Sean told about her, she MUST have had some sort of mental condition. Anyway, she was super possessive, and violent, and her and Sean were ALWAYS fighting over something. (Actually all Sean ever seemed to do when in a relationship is to constantly fight and argue - usually over nothing except both of their mistrust and insecurities). Once again none of my business, and "don't care".

However, this eventually led Sean to dumping the girl that he dumped his wife and kids for.

Sean, being the dick to his ex's that he is, he just couldn't leave it at that and move on with his life (which at the time was still good - he still had his job, and career, and a very promising future). He did abandon his wife and kids for another woman though, which did leave him with a $700 monthly alimony payment after the divorce. Plus he had to fix or else pay to fix all of their things that his wife destroyed. But, all-in-all, his life was still in pretty good shape.

But like I say, Sean just cannot leave things alone. Not when it comes to women anyway. So what does he do? He goes on to try and rub it in his ex-girlfriends face that he is 'just fine' without her. So he gets an apartment in the same building that his ex-girlfriend does. And he goes out of his way to show her how great he is doing without her, and how much he doesn't need her. Knowing Sean, he probably went out of his way to flaunt any girls that he dated in front of her, and went out of his way to rub anything that he could infront of her face. That's just how Sean is around women. Especially ex's. He just can't help himself. He just has something to prove. What? I don't know. But something!

However, Sean's ex-girlfriend isn't as dumb as Sean when it comes to things like that. She is just as vindictive though. Actually, more so. You see, she was Sean's girlfriend and moral support while Sean was going through all the court battles with his wife. As he did rely on her for moral support during this time, he told her EVERYTHING that his wife was trying to pull, and EVERYTHING that was going on.

She being smart, vindictive, and a law student knew EXACTLY what to do to get back at Sean. She accused Sean of all the same charges that his wife charged him with. Now, there were TWO women (in a row) charging him with all the same charges. This caused the stayed charges from his wife to be reopened as well. Now he was screwed. And both women HATED him with a PASSION and wanted to see him burn in hell! So neither one was backing down from pressing these charges to the maximum penalty that they could get for him.

He got away with 'not-guilty' verdicts from his ex-girlfriend, but it cost his thousands and thousands of dollars in court costs. He also had a 'restraining order' so that he could not go within 100 yards (or so) of his ex-girlfriend. Which means he had to drop out of law school because she was going to the same school and in his classes. Then he still had his wife's 'felony stalking' charges to deal with. These court battles were going on while he was living at my place. This cost him thousands of dollars more and drained any money he had left in his savings. It also led to his being found 'guilty' of a felony which means he could never work as an engineer (a professional job) again.

I do believe that Sean was innocent of the felony charges that he was found 'guilty' of. But he was guilty of pushing these women to the point of hating him so much that they wanted to ruin him. And in the end, they did. All because he just couldn't leave it alone, and had to rub it in their faces how well he was doing without them. He may have been innocent, but he did deserve what he got. He just couldn't leave it alone...

I do remember, seeing we were really close friends at the time (and I was still out of work myself) going down to the courtroom with him during his trials (against his ex-wife). To offer moral support. Plus it was kind of interesting. He would wear his suit. I put on business casual clothes. His wife had two lawyers, and she stood up with them during the trial. Sean had one lawyer, and stood up with him as well. I (who walked in with Sean) sat in the front row of the court room. What was really funny is that seeing Sean was wearing his suit and standing up with his lawyer, the judge mistakenly thought that I was Sean, and that Sean was one of the lawyers.
So when the judge laid down the guilty verdict and was sentencing Sean to 30 days in jail he was staring at me and talking to me instead of Sean. He was giving me his sturnest look, and giving me (Sean) this LONG speech about how poorly he thought of what I had done, and how much I (Sean) should think very long and hard about it so as to not repeat it again. Meanwhile, I'm giving the judge the odd smile, and nudging my head towards Sean trying to tell the judge "Hey, it's not me. He's over there!" FINALLY, after the judge finishes his LONG and STERN speech, he finally asks if "YOU UNDERSTAND, MR. [Sean's last name]". Then Sean responds from where he was standing along the side with his lawyer, and FINALLY the judge whips his head around and starts talking at Sean instead of me!

I thought it was pretty funny. But I was also thinking, "Hey, I've done nothing. Why should I be the one getting the dirty looks and mean speech from the judge!" No problem though. I wasn't the one having to serve the sentence.

Sean was quite thankful I was there though. He didn't want to have to face that LONG and STERN speech, not to mention the complete look of disgust on the judge's face while delivering it. I endured that for him. What a friend! He owed me!

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