Sunday, December 12, 2010

More Connections

Well, it's been well over a year since I've last written. Whoops. I'm never going to catch up to current day at this pace. Hmmmm. Time to get back into the swing of it. What comes next in my story?

So now I am chosenly unemployed, have Sean as a roommate and the two of us are going out to karaoke bars six to seven nights a week. There are dozens of people that we know and hang out with at these bars, and we have a 'core' six or seven people that we are becoming friends with, and starting to associate with outside of the bar.

At this time I suppose one of the more relevant persons would have to be Karra. She was this attractive girl (single mother actually) in around her late twenties that we were starting to spend more and more time with. Actually, it was Sean mostly that was trying to spend time with her as he was trying to date her. Which incidently wasn't too difficult, as she seemed to come on to pretty much every fun/ sociable person at the bar. In fact, I think I am the only person from all the people we hung out with that she didn't come on to. This didn't bother me, but I did find it kind of curious. It's not that I was all that or anytyhing, but I was better looking and more outgoing and popular than at least half the persons that she came on to and/ or f#cked. She was good looking and pretty interesting, intelligent and fun, so I certainly wouldn't have minded getting in on some of that action. However, it is true that I was more laid back in my approach, and wasn't aggressive about getting laid like the rest of us guys that were part of the crowd. I did like getting laid as much as anyone, but I wasn't concerned about it enough to bother putting any effort into it. Anyway, I digress.

Karra hung out with us and 'the crowd' for a couple of months both at the bar, and at each other's houses, and at the time she was pretty relevant to us. But as far as the story goes, the only reason I'm giving her mention now is that she ended up being a 'bridge' that would soon connect us to much more relevant persons along our journeys. I'll get to that shortly.

There was one other reason I wanted to mention Karra as well, as it's relevant to a story I'm soon going to get to. As I mentioned, Sean was pursuing Karra for a relationship. Eventually they did start dating. But that didn't last long. Sean was really into Karra though, and was very happy to be in a relationship with her. The other girls I'd seen Sean with, they were pretty much 'casual' relationships, and more for just sex and some fun times. For Sean it was different with Karra. She was attractive, but also a pretty cool girl and intelligent. Sean viewed her more as 'a keeper'. Someone he could have a long term relationship with. I guess Karra didn't really view them that way though. They only dated three weeks. The first two weeks was still casual, - sex and fun and such. Then they supposedly started a 'real relationship'. As mentioned, Sean was quite happy about it. I guess Karra wasn't though, because less than a week later she started cancelling on Sean and spending the night with her ex-boyfriend. Only 'as friends' of course, 'nothing for Sean to be worried about'. But of course, she was f#cking her ex by the end of the week and pretty much dumped Sean. Karra would still be around for a number of months still, and she was still part of 'the crowd', but that was the end of their 'relationship'. That really did hurt Sean though. More than he liked to let on. I felt bad for him. This will have relevance in a future post.

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