Thursday, May 7, 2009

Genetics Gone Wrong?

If I ever want to get to the more fun posts, I've got to start writing more than one post a week. I wasn't even going to write about this one, but it is more good background information on people in 'this environment'.

I guess I was starting to become more popular at this point. Or at least more noticed anyway. The first day that Sean was out of the hospital and staying at my place we were sitting around in the afternoon watching movies that he had. We were watching "Road Trip", and "Chasing Amy" this particular day.

The phone rang. I answered. It was this chick named Robin that phoned 'to inquire about how Sean is doing' but then procededed to talk to me for the next two hours (even though Sean was sitting next to me on the couch). For the first hour I had no idea who this was that I was talking to. At first I thought that it may be the girl that we referred to as "Troll Robin". Who was a very nice person, and one of the people that we hung out with, but she really did look somewhat like a short pudgy troll. I wasn't interested in her, so really wasn't that much into the conversation. Sean was giving me the 'who is that?' look, and I was shrugging my shoulders and giving the 'I don't really know' look. Then I all-of-a-suddenly clued in and realized who I was talking to. Robin was this decent looking chick in her mid-thirties that worked as a server at Eldorados bar. Okay. She was pretty good looking, and I would f#ck her. So then I perked up a little bit in the conversation. We talked for about another hour, - blah, blah, blah, blah, - then hung up. We had to put the movie "Road Trip" back in because I missed the whole thing. (Great movie by the way.)

After that Robin started calling me pretty much every day. I would see her at Eldo's and we would talk there as well. She kept talking about 'hanging out', and I agreed that it would be a good idea. Eventually we went out together a few times. The first time was to an outdoor concert, - Billy Squire, Bad Finger, and Styx. That was fun. We had some drinks at her place first. She got drunk (she was pretty much a light-weight) then we went to the concert and had a good time. We went out a few other times, like to Buckeye Lake to go boating with her father. That was also fun. We'd make out some afterwards, and talked about wanting to have sex with one another, but she kept wanting to 'hold off' on it. Fine by me. I would ask her to stay the night, but also wasn't pressed about it. She wasn't someone that I was actually 'interested' in.

After a few times of seeing her and talking to her 'all the time' when she called me on the phone, I quickly began to realize that as much as she talked (and talked and talked and talked) she never actually had ANYTHING to say. I mean, it really started sounding like a constant droning, or buzz in the ear. Everything she talked about was whining about this or that, and it was never anything of any relevance. On the phone, I wouldn't even say anything for several minutes at a time and she would just keep talking and talking and talking. A few times I put the phone down, and then picked it up about 10 minutes later and she was still just talking and talking and talking. She didn't even know that I wasn't on the phone.

I remember the last time that I did something with her was when she called me up and asked if I wanted to go to an afternoon movie at the second run theater (the cheap theaters). We went. We saw the move "Blow". It was a good movie. She was talking about the movie afterwards, I could tell she didn't even 'get' that movie. What's not to get? She really wasn't very bright, and really wasn't very interesting. When I first started talking to her, and hanging out with her, I figured she was just one more person to hang out and do things with. Now I realized that I would rather spend time alone than to spend time with her. I decided to myself that I didn't even want to have sex with her anymore, and didn't want to spend any more time with her, and ESPECIALLY didn't want to have to listen to her anymore.

I probably should have just told her that then and there. But, seeing she worked at Eldo's and knew (but wasn't really friends with) all the karaoke people that I knew, I just let it go. I did tell her the next time she called me that I didn't think that we should 'date' anymore and that I just wasn't 'feeling it'. I agreed that we were still friends though and could continue talking to one another. Big mistake!

I didn't see her anymore, except for at Eldo's Thursday and Sunday nights during karaoke while she worked. But she continued to call me on the phone pretty much every day. Same as before, she would just talk and talk and talk and never say ANYTHING! It didn't matter if it were me or Sean who answered the phone either. She would talk AT whomever answered. She was a nice enough person, and neither me nor Sean had the heart to tell her to leave us alone, but we seriously began screening our phone calls and would NEVER answer if it was Robin. When we did slip up and answer the phone, we could never get her off the line. We would give all the 'bored' indications. Even be somewhat rude, and several times say, "Well, I've got to go now...", but she just wouldn't stop talking! She never ever even stopped to take a breath. You really did have to say, very quickly, "Okay, gotta go now!", then hang up really quick before she could respond.

It took months of us not answering when she called, and never calling her back for her to eventually stop calling us. Once again, not exactly an exciting post, but I just wanted to bitch about it because it was such a PAINFUL and drawn out experience.

I think she was just a lonely person. Actually, it seemed to be a 'family' thing. She had a brother that was one of the karaoke 'regulars'. (But definitely NOT one of the more 'popular' ones.) He was at the VIP and Eldo's every karaoke night just like the rest of us. He went by the nick name 'Mr. Happy'. His real name was Todd. Everyone knew him to say 'hi' and he was welcome at our tables on karaoke night. But he didn't seem to have any REAL friends. He never had any money either, because he hadn't worked in years. Apparently he was in the militiary during Desert Storm and 'apparently' had some sort of disability because of it. He was always going to court, trying to get money out of the government for it, but never got any (besides a military pension of some sort) due to the fact that nobody could prove there was any 'disabilities' or anything wrong with him for that matter. He was one of karaoke people that went to karaoke every night and only drank water (there were a few of them). Long after I stopped seeing his sister, he would call me up (because I was 'dating' his sister) and ask to borrow $20. Now, I knew lots of people that would ask to borrow $10 or $20 until payday (like for a few days). But Mr. Happy would call me up in (say) March, and ask to borrow $20 until July. Who does that? The first time I did loan him the $20. Oddly enough, he really did pay it back a few months later as promised. Still, I didn't loan him any more money after the first time. About a year later, he was hanging out with one of my roommates. (She was a fun person but REALLY dense though.) Anyway, he asked to borrow money from me again. I said, "no". But, it was a nice sunny Saturday afternoon and I was finally planning to pull the knee high weeds that completely covered my front flower bed. (I was back to work by this time too.) I didn't want to do it. It would take about four hours. So instead of loaning him money, I told him that I would give him $40 if he pulled all my weeds for me. Of course he stammered through his refusal, and cited some sort of 'bad back' or something. It figures. I went and pulled them myself.

It's funny. Both him and Robin were two of the most lonely people that I had ever met. Desperate to talk to people but just didn't seem to know 'how' to talk. Yet they wouldn't talk to one another. I don't know why. It went back for years though. I became aware of this one time when I was still hanging out with Robin and went to her father's house for some sort of dinner party. The other weird thing is that both of them were also super lazy, super whiney, and super dumb. BUT their dad was a really smart and really hard working engineer that owned his own (small) engineering company. Figure that one out. Some sort of genetics gone wrong I suppose. Oh well. One of life's many mysteries...

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