Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Brief Stint in 'Sales'

The first couple of weeks hanging out with Bill (after my wife left), we were out every night. Basically drink and party until about 3:00a, then crash at my place, then I would get up around 7:00a and go to work. We always ended up at my place because I would let Bill drive my car once we started drinking. I wasn't worried about getting in an accident, but I didn't want to be the one driving just in case we got pulled over. Bill loved to drive, but hadn't had a valid drivers license in years.

Anyway, there was one night that we were partying at Rosey's bar, and a 'friend' of Bill's was there. We were sitting with him near the end of the night. As it turns out, this friend (Dave) was a cocaine and crack dealer. Bill wanted to take some home at the end of the night. I've never done any of the 'white' drugs before, and have only done weed (or hash or oil) a handful of times in my life. I was always curious as to what type of high you get with the 'other' drugs. I said, 'sure', and I gave the last $17 that I had in my pocket to Bill. Dave gave Bill whatever 'crumbs' were left over at the end of his bag. Admittedly, it was considerably more than $17 worth. This was the hard stuff, - crack.

We went back to my place and Bill showed me the proper way to smoke it. Admittedly the high was quite the incredible feeling. Mind you, we only did small amounts per 'hit' so it didn't have any of the 'weird' side-effects that this drug can and does have.

As a disclaimer, I have to reiterate that drugs are not part of my lifestyle. I've done them (the green variety) with friends maybe once or twice a year, and often went years without doing any. Knowing what I know about how this drug gets on top of people and really 'changes' them, I wouldn't have bothered getting into it with Bill at all. I didn't understand how people start to behave when they start getting a taste of this drug. To me, drugs were drugs. Though not much of a user myself, I've always knew people that smoked weed fairly regularly. I am very self-disciplined and do not have an addictive personality, so even though I was aware and somewhat leary of the addictive qualities of this drug, I wasn't concerned with me becoming addicted. I had always been curious about what it was like too. But I wasn't aware, and didn't properly respect how this drug does change the people around you once you start using it. As WONDERFUL as the high is, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone. It will start to get on top of anyone if they start using it.

But we did do it a number of times and it was an INCREDIBLE high. It really is the only drug whos effects I really like. We usually only did small amounts at a time though, never spending more than $30 for a buy, but Dave would give us really good quantity for the money.

Anyway, it wasn't really part of our partying routine. Bill would always want to do it, but I am more of a drinker anyway. But I did enjoy it, and started doing it occassionally at the end of the night.

Then there was one night, a friend of Bill was having a poker party. I've met this friend (and his friends) a few times already as we would drop in there from time-to-time. They were always in the garage drinking beer and usually working on some souped-up car or machine of some kind.
Anyway, I was in the kitchen getting another drink and started talking to this other guy that was there. He was another friend of Bill's. His name was Jeff. I was just telling him that me and Bill were out drinking and partying most of the last three weeks. Then he asked me, "Do you just mean 'drinking' partying, or do you mean 'other' stuff as well?". I said, "Well, mostly drinking, but we have done 'other' stuff on occassion." So he tells me that later on that night, he is going to have some stuff 'delivered' at his place and if we wanted to throw in a little bit we could drop by too. Basically I said, well, I'll mention it to Bill and see how we feel about it later.
We did end up going there. Jeff lived with his brother, Jack. Jack is the one with all the 'connections'. So we threw in $20 each and Jack made his phone call and did his deal. He gave us our $20 rocks, but they were only about half the size of what we got from Dave the couple times we bought from him.

We socialized, drank our beers, and also did our 'hits'. It was good. Once again, we were all 'social' users, and didn't do big hits, and didn't have the 'noiding' affects that I learned some people would when they use this. So we used it up, finished a few more beers, then me and Bill went out the the bar for last call.

But we did get talking about how small it was, and how Jack seemed to think that it was a really good size. This got us thinking. Bill had already told Jack that he cold get a better deal with his connections. Seeing Bill always runs out of money before the night is over and I end up paying the last $20 or so myself, we decided that this may be a way to get some 'supplemental' income. Just with Jeff and Jack though. So we decided to try it. I would front Bill the money. Bill would buy $100 worth from Dave. We would take it back to my house and break it into smaller $10, $20, and $30 chunks. Once we did that, we would generally have $150 worth of chunks for the $100. We would smoke $20 ourselves, and sell $120 worth to get an extra $30 drinking money for Bill. Once we put the $120 worth in the 'sell bag' it would not be touched by us. That was for sale only.

Just in case, I didn't see or handle any transactions. I didn't have any part of any transaction. Bill would buy it from Dave and break it up into the chunks. Bill would set up a time for us to visit Jeff and Jack. We would go there, have a beer and Bill would go to the next room and do all the transactions with Jack and Jeff. Then give me the money to hold. Essentially I was the chaufer, and I also held the money. We also kept the 'sell bag' of stash at my place.

This worked really well for about a week. We made about $60 a week from it (not exactly big time) but that bought an extra 12 pitchers of beer which is why we were doing it in the first place. The problem is that I didn't understand how much Bill like the stuff once we started having it on hand. When Bill bought the $100 from Dave, we would always use $20 worth after dividing it into chunks. Well, Bill started making the chunks smaller and smaller so there would be more for us to use. (At first I let it go because Jack would buy it anyway. Jeff was only a fairly new social user, but it turns out that Jack was quite the addict. He also had a job that paid over $60K a year so he had ample money to spend.) But it started getting ridiculous how small Bill would try to make the chunks.

By then I was not staying out all night anymore. After a couple of weeks of partying until 3:00a and then getting up at 7:00a (ish) to go to work, I decided that I'd better be a little more professional. So I would go out with Bill from around 8:00p, not drink much, then drop Bill off closer to his place around 11:00p. That way Bill could continue drinking, and I could go home to bed. About twice a week we would drop by Jeff and Jack's place earlier in the evening if they wanted to do a transaction with Bill. The 'stuff' always went home with me.

I would go to bed around midnight. The problem was that Bill knew I was 'holding'. So EVERY morning around 3:00a I would end up getting a phone call from Bill. He always had some crazy reason for calling me. Like, "I went out with these dudes from the bar, and they got really crazy and tried to kill me. You've got to come and get me, they are still looking for me....". Anything to get me to come and pick him up. Of course, once I did that then he would want to break out 'the stuff'. Forget it though. That was the 'sell' bag. The whole reason for doing this in the first place was for Bill to make a little extra beer money so that I wouldn't end up paying for any of his beer. This of course caused 'tension' between us.

After three weeks, I put an end to our 'social experiment'. But not before a crazy night at Jeff and Jack's ensued. The first two nights that Bill called me at 3:00a I ended up picking him up. Then I had to argue with him because he wanted to 'use' our sell bag. The third time he did it, I didn't go and pick him up. He kept calling and getting more and more irate. I unplugged my phone and went back to sleep.

This obviously wasn't working. I no longer wanted any 'stuff' at my place. When Bill was sober he was fine, but once Bill got drunk, if he knew I had some on hand, he wouldn't be able to leave me alone and would get crazy trying to get it from me. So I let him know that this was over. We were going to sell the rest of the bag, and not buy another one. But it wasn't pay day for Jack yet. So in order to get rid of the stuff, we fronted it to Jack and he would have to pay us back in two days. Jack knew that Bill would go crazy on him if he tried cheating us, so we knew Jack would be good for the money once he was paid.

So we unloaded it all on Jack that night. Bill cut it even further and pretty much sold Jack and Jeff $50 worth for $80. But they wanted it so agreed to Bill's terms. We met up with them at their place on pay day (two days later). The idea was we were going to get together, get our money, have some beers, and we were going to end up at the bar (maybe they'd join us). Daryl was over there too. That's Bill's friend that was having the poker party where we me Jeff. (Jeff works with Daryl.) Daryl doesn't do any of this stuff (but knows Jack is a functional addict). Jeff only recently started using it, so Daryl was unaware that Jeff used. Daryl is a pretty big boy and Jeff thought he could pull a fast one by saying that Bill was forcing it on Jack while he was all 'f#cked up'. They figured that Daryl could intimidate us into not collecting the money. But it all backfired. Daryl was talking to me about it, and I was learning the story that Daryl had heard. I let him know the real details, and that is when Daryl learned Jeff was using too (not only Jack). Well, essentially Daryl is Tim's boss, so Jeff didn't want Daryl to know that he was using. So once I started explaining the real details of why they owe us money, Daryl was shocked to find out that Jeff also was using, and as I continued my details, Jeff was yelling at me to 'be quiet'. Too late though.

As I continued talking to Daryl (and ignoring Jeff), Jeff attacked me. He sucker punched me in the eye while I wasn't looking, then tried hitting me again. I basically spun him around, put him on the ground, and when he tried to get up I gave him a swift hard kick in the balls. Then stepped on his face to hold him there. He wasn't moving after the kick to the nuts anyway. So, I now had my first fight in over six years.

Then Daryl had them give us our $80, and me and Bill went to the VIP lounge for cocktails. I did have a black eye though. The bartender ("Wild Child" was the nickname we gave her) thought that it was quite amusing. People always expect Bill to get in fights, but I'm the quiet one.

No real hard feelings though. We went out with Daryl and Jeff for drinks a week or so later.

That was the end of the drugs though. That was enough. I put it all behind me and stopped using. Me and Bill were back to drinking only.

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